An in depth 1:1 session with Karly to go over your podcast and your strategy with a fine tooth comb.

This one on one session will give you everything you need to elevate and grow your show.

I understand that many podcasters don't require longer term support.

Is that you? 

You just want to get to the meat, make some necessary changes quickly and have your team implement the rest.

What you are looking for is expert advice, strategy and guidance, without an ongoing commitment to a program.

And so, due to popular demand, here it is.

During our session you can expect us to cover:

  • overall podcast strategy

  • branding (visual and audio)

  • ways to improve the sound of your show 

  • ideas for engaging with your audience

  • tips to make your podcast more impactful

  • ideas and strategy to grow your audience and reach

  • aligning your podcast with your business goals

These are tailored specifically to you and your needs, so if there's a particular area you need help in, be sure to let me know.

You will come away with a clear plan, and an abundance of ideas, to take your show to the next level.

Investment: AU$250 (allow 60 mins of your time)

Karly does offer longer term packages, so reach out via contact form if you’re interested in exploring this option

If you’re interested in having Karly produce your podcast, reach out via the contact form below

Karly often caters the way she work to your personal needs. Please reach out with some details, if you’d like more information on how you can work together